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Experts Reveal Their 2 Top Tips for Learning A Language - Part 2

  • Hoppler Team
  • 30/12/1899

Mais 6 Especialistas revelam as dicas mais importantes para aprender uma língua
(texto em inglês)


But mastering another language can open up a lot of opportunities. You can communicate with more people, learn about other cultures, and be exposed to job opportunities that were previously unavailable.

So how do you tackle such a large project from the start?

We asked for help from the top language experts in the world, who have mastered not just one other language, but several other world languages.

These polyglots have studied and mastered different languages from different language groups. They have been language beginners many times over and understand how intimidating and difficult learning a new language can be.

So, they graciously offered up their top two most valuable tips to help you learn a new language.

The following are 6 more of these experts' advice.

Expert #7: Mark Kinsella | Eurolinguist

1) Ok, the first would be bombardment. Listen to as much as you can. Internet radio is great for this.

Buy a course and listen to the audio even before you read it. That way the words don't seem like strangers when you see them written and you're already getting used to the sounds.

2) Have imaginary conversations in your head using the vocabulary you are learning. Toss it around in your mind whenever. It'll get you used to using the language for real, and you'll get familiar with the syntax. On the way to work, in the car, whenever!

Expert #8: Vladimir Skultety |Forever A Student

1) Learn by using. More specifically, speak and listen to the language as much as you can.

2) In higher stages, also read and write as much as you can.

Expert #9: Martin Boehme

1) Practice new sounds early - bad pronunciation can make you feel unconfident and keep you from speaking even if your grammar is perfect.

2) Practice/study for longer periods of time. 5 minutes a day is like 1 push-up a day. Speak for an hour with no English and make your brain melt.

Expert #10: Giwan Persaud | Duolir

1) Keep engaging yourself with that language through video, audio, and reading material in that language.

2) Practice speaking with others whenever you can.

Expert #11: Shannon Kennedy | Eurolinguiste

1) Accept that at the beginning, everything is going to be one big jumble that won't make any sense. Eventually you'll start to pick out bits and pieces and everything will fall into place.

The more exposure you get to the language, and the more you slowly chip away at it, the more it all starts to click.

It takes time, so don't feel discouraged if you don't understand or struggle to form sentences. You'll get there.

2) A little study each and every day is the best thing you can do for your learning. Consistency in language study is so, so important. It keeps everything fresh, prevents you from needing to do unnecessary review, and helps you continue to move forward.

Studying fifteen minutes everyday is far more effective than studying for two or more hours one day a week.

Expert #12: Lindsay Williams | Lindsay Does Languages

1) Find something you love.

When you've got something to relate to in a language, it's something that will connect you deeper than just words.

It could be music, a TV show, food, something about the language itself...there's plenty of options here, but what they all have in common is that when your motivation is lower or you go through busy times in life and language learning gets pushed aside, it will be much easier to restart and pick things up again if you've got a connection and a reason to keep learning.

2) Set goals strategically.

It's great to say "I want to speak Spanish" but that's not really a goal - it's an ambition. Goals are the smaller milestones along the way that help you to make that ambition a reality. I like to use what I call Onion Goals! Put your end goal in a circle and add bigger circles surrounding it, each layer asking yourself how you'll do the last.

For example, if my goal right now is to "learn 50 words", the next layer out might say "use Memrise". The next layer, "daily when having breakfast". What's great about Onion Goals is that you can adapt it for various goals along the way, basically anytime you need clarity as to how you're actually going to do these amazing things!

More next time. If you have someting to add, leave a commment below


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