Available for ENGLISH and SPANISH

The test is split into TWO parts:

1) ON-LINE TEST - This part is an adaptive multiple choice test. There are up to 40 questions and you will have 40 minutes to complete it. This part is done first.

2) INTERVIEW - This part is done on-line with a professional and will last about 20 mins. Your conversation and listening will be evaluated.

At the end of the test, if requested, you will gain an international digital CERTIFICATE for your level.

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Score and Comparison Table arrow_drop_down

ILPT Score & Comparison Table

Level ILPT
Level Name CEFR IELTS TOEFL ibt TOEIC Cambridge
1 0-29 Beginner A0/A1 0-2,5 0-26 10-220 -
2 30-49 High Beginner A2 3,0 27-56 225-545 KET
3 50-59 Intermediate B1 3,5-4,5 57-73 550-665 PET
4 60-69 Intermediate B1 4,5-5,5 74-86 670-780 PET
5 70-79 High Intermediate B2 5,5-6.0 87-99 785-830 FCE
6 80-89 High Intermediate B2 6,0-6,5 100-109 835-875 FCE
7 90-109 Advanced C1 7,0-8.0 110-116 880-965 CAE
8 110+ HIgh Advanced C2 8,0-9,0 117-120 970-990 CPE
International Language Proficiency Test - ENGLISH
International Language Proficiency Test - ENGLISH
International Language Proficiency Test - ENGLISH
International Language Proficiency Test - ENGLISH
International Language Proficiency Test - ENGLISH
International Language Proficiency Test - ENGLISH
International Language Proficiency Test - ENGLISH

To start the test, view results and certificates, click on CONTINUE below.